very good it looks like a colection of tutorials
alot of thease games are just sorce codes form tutorials...
but ill give you the benifit of the dought that the two games i didnt see sorce code for would be ones you made....
very good it looks like a colection of tutorials
alot of thease games are just sorce codes form tutorials...
but ill give you the benifit of the dought that the two games i didnt see sorce code for would be ones you made....
3/5 though...
isnt there alot of games like this?
umm well i get on every onice in a while and i see a game like this every day on the flash portail and this isnt anything better then them.
oh well ill rate it a 3 because im too nice.
lv 43
ok this is hard but so adticting
look im sorry for not trustng you
just one question
is this like a scam or a vrius or somthing?
great job
very good def game i like the monny things on the ground very origonal =]
all i can say s wow that was awsome im star struck
if you like it then its for you
look im not gonna rate it a zero because its good if yoiu like really hard games abd it isnt bad :0
asome game but!..
BUT what happend to the sight i relly want to download this game very badly.this game relly is great though. i love the controls and the cousmastaion of the cars...ect.
Joined on 9/16/07