well made, looks to be months in production, but i bet you have few people working for you. well i couldnt get passed the thing with the giant upward fan. well crafted 5/5.
well made, looks to be months in production, but i bet you have few people working for you. well i couldnt get passed the thing with the giant upward fan. well crafted 5/5. was just me working on it for the past 4-5 days or so... o,,O
LoL x) Thanks.
box 2d?
nice use of the box 2d physics, it works well. if its not box 2d, well then nice job!
It's motor2. Based on box2d but is much faster.
what program?
great tut, whats the program called though
Yep 90301, it's called Fruity Loops Studio, FL Studio. The one I was using there was FL 8 XXL Edition. Thanks for the rate and review!
-Cheers Brando
you got sponsored!!!!!!! (yes this is the same 90301 that is on the mochi ads congrats!!!!!!i hope to get my next game sponsored!!! i am really happy for you and LOVE you're game. best of luck J-o-s/h/ B/
thanks, but no it didn't get sponsored, we had to put the intro in for a game contest. =) I'm not allowed to be looking for a sponsor until the contest is over.
want to disable the tab cheat??
make a movie clip and put this in it.
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (Key.isDown(Key.TAB)) {
there hope it helps and btw nice graphics
oh and one question, how do you show that multiple people did the game?
thanks for the code
and you have to check their names in the collab section when uploading
i forgot how to add them to the list though sorry hehe
--ah. found it.
go to my account, and click on flash portal buddies.
from there add people, when they accept, you can co-author them in your submissions
lol angry faic iwns smilys
10\10 although it will get banned
Banned? Why? If you meant blammed, it was at the limit, a few minutes after passing, it was 1.58
if you could put in a rapid auto fire
i have yet to learn how but i hope it doesn't get banned.
is it as2 or as3?
ill look up how to do it for both of us and tell you.
it's as2. I thought of the same thing, but I didn't want to make it too easy. Thanks, I would appreciate any help.
Joined on 9/16/07